1. In patients aged 60 years or their group included 49 patients who bled from older. One rebleed, 4 units for initial resuscitation, peptic ulceration. They operated on 35 (71%)
2. In patients only one post-operative death (operative mortality aged less than 60
3. policy of early and aggressive resuscitation, diag-This policy was adopted for the 5-year period nosis, and surgical intervention, but the paper 1984-1988, and the results carefully audited.18
4. a similar audit was carried out 1986-1988 in In a study on 211 peptic ulcer patients managed a non-teaching district general hospital using according to a specific protocol,'4 the results were almost identical criteria.'9 The results of these two compared with historical controls. The policy studies are summarized in Table II. In both of these included early endoscopy and surgery for all studies there were no exclusions even on the basis of patients with gastric ulcers, and for older patients advanced inoperable malignant disease, and, at with duodenal ulceration. Surgery was also indileast in the Birmingham census, treatment was cated in patients requiring an initial transfusion of 5 or more units of whole blood. Overall mortality withdrawn in several patients. Mortality was low in both, totalling 25;Bath
5. The mortality from haematemesis. An analysis of 526 cases;Bulmer, E.;Lancet 1927