1. Royal College of Surgeons. We will put diversity at the heart of our strategy. 2021. https://www.rcseng.ac.uk/about-the-rcs/about-our-mission/diversity-review-2021/.
2. “Old boys club” culture at BMA undermined female members and staff, sexism report finds
3. Romney D. Report into allegations of sexism and sexual harassment by members of the BMA’s GP committee. 2019. https://www.bma.org.uk/media/1569/bma-daphne-romney-qc-report-oct-19.pdf
4. A fifth of surgeons in England are female
5. UK Government. NHS workforce: ethnicity facts and figures. https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/workforce-and-business/workforce-diversity/nhs-workforce/latest#by-ethnicity-and-type-of-role