1. British Social Attitudes Survey 2022 records a drop of satisfaction with the NHS and Social Care to 29%, the lowest level since 1983. NHS and social care (natcen.ac.uk). https://bsa.natcen.ac.uk/media/39485/bsa39_nhs-and-social-care.pdf
2. Stuckler D Basu H . The Body Economic: Why Austerity Kills. Basic Books, 2013.
3. Morris J, Reed S. How much is covid-19 to blame for growing NHS waiting times? Nuffield Trust. 2022. https://www.nuffieldtrust.org.uk/resource/how-much-is-covid-19-to-blame-for-growing-nhs-waiting-times
4. All-Party Parliamentary Group Global Health. The UK as a global centre for health and health science—a go-to place for all aspects of health globally. 2020. https://globalhealth.inparliament.uk/news/category/reports
5. Government HM . The NHS Act. 1946.