Müllerian anomalies are congenital malformations of the female reproductive organs that occur when the müllerian ducts develop abnormally. Different types of müllerian anomalies have different pregnancy outcomes. Breech presentation is a common occurrence in pregnant women with uterus didelphys, and caesarean section is the traditional mode of delivery under such circumstances. Here, we present the case of a 29-year-old woman (gravida 2, para 1) with her fetus in a frank breech presentation. The patient had a known history of uterus didelphys and previous vaginal delivery. She elected to undergo external cephalic version (ECV) at 37 weeks with a trial of labour at 39 weeks as opposed to planned cesarean delivery. The version was successful, and the fetus was subsequently delivered vaginally without complications. This case demonstrates ECV as a possible option in women with uterus didelphys, provided the risks of the procedure are carefully weighed and individualised to each patient.
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