1. Whereas 69 (83%) of 83 registered patients with GuillainBarre syndrome fulfilled the NINCDS criteria for the syndrome, none of 40 randomly selected patients with diagnosis of "unspecific polyneuropathy" fulfilled the NINCDS criteria.8 The quality of the data and the completeness of ascertainment of incident cases were considered to be good for epidemiological studies on Guillain-Barre syndrome. The aim of the present study was to describe the geographical distribution, seasonal variation, time trends, and age specific and sex specific incidence rates of Guillain-Barre syndrome in Sweden during 1978-93 based on registered data
2. Epidemiology of Guillain-Barre syndrome in Campania (south Italy). Preliminary results;D'Ambrosio, G.; De Angelis, G.; Vizioli, R.;Acta Neurol,1983
3. Guillain-Barre syndrome. Clinicoepidemiologic features and effect of influenza vaccine;Beghi, E.; Kurland, L.T.; Mulder, D.W.; Wiederholt, W.C.;Arch Neurol,1985
4. Epidemiology of the Guillain-Barre syndrome in the county of Hordaland, westem Norway;Larsen, J.P.; Kvale, G.; Nyland, H.;Acta Neurol Scand,1985
5. Guillain-Barr syndrome in Larimer County, Colorado: a high-incidence area;Kaplan, J.E.; Poduska, P.J.; McIntosh, G.C.; Hopkins, R.S.; Ferguson, S.W.; Schonberger, L.B.;Neurology,1985