Awareness about root coverage is increasing in day-to-day clinical practice. Patients are more motivated and concerned about aesthetics nowadays along with the issues of sensitivity of teeth. The conventional flap designs and techniques including lateral sliding flaps, coronally advanced flap, subepithelial connective tissue grafts and free gingival grafts are being adopted for root coverage. The newer material including resorbable and non-resorbable guided tissue regenerative membranes, amniotic membrane, platelet-rich fibrin membrane, enamel matrix derivative protein, xenogenic collagen matrix graft along with the soft tissue substitute like acellular dermal matrix allograft are also being used for recession coverage. The present case report describes a case of 22-year-old female patient with the chief complaint of denudation of gums exposing the root surface over the mandibular left central incisor. The soft tissue substitute acellular dermal matrix allograft was used for root coverage as the patient was not willing to procure an autogenous palatal graft. The results were satisfactory with complete root coverage.