1. British Thoracic Society 2 Macfarlane et al4 Tugwell et al 10
2. Thirdly, antigenaemic patients are clinically more unwell than non-antigenaemic patients.'0"7 Antigenaemic patients are more likely to develop complications and have persistent pyrexia, and they tend to require longer in hospital. This clinical correlation may be due to the association between antigenaemia and bacteraemia, though serum antigen is not directly derived from circulating bacteria"; the number of circulating bacteria is too small to account for the concentration of serum antigen, which must therefore come directly from pneumonic lung
3. Community-acquired pneumonia;Macfarlane, J.T.;Br J Dis Chest,1987
4. Thoracic Society and Public Health Laboratory Service. Community-acquired pneumonia in adults in British hospitals 1982-1983: a survey of aetiology, mortality, prognostic factors and outcome;Research Committee of British;Q JMed,1987
5. Community-acquired pneumonia requiring hospitalization: 5-year prospective study;Marrie, T.J.; Durant, H.; Yates, L.;Rev Infect Dis,1989