1. Duodenal ulceration: a review of 110 cases;Murphy, M.S.; Eastham, E.J.; Jimenez, M.; Nelson, R.; Jackson, R.H.;Arch Dis Child,1987
2. Effects of cimetidine on the healing and recurrence of duodenal ulcers and gastric ulcers;Tatsuda, M.; Iishi, H.; Okada, S.;Gut,1986
3. Reference Anonymous. My enuresis;Arch Dis Child,1987
4. We share the opinion of Hall and Richards that mumps is a major cause of severe sensorineural hearing loss.' During an epidemic of mumps in Israel in 1984, 85 children with mumps were admitted to the paediatric department of the Beilinson Medical Center, which serves an area of roughly 68 000 children (age 0-14 years). Seventy nine of the patients had symptoms or signs of meningoencephalitis. Three children (3.5%) developed unilateral profound sensorineural deafness in association;Sir
5. The third patient was a 8 year old girl who was admitted for observation with fever of 39°C. In the ward she complained of inability to hear with the right ear, and this was confirmed by audiometry. As we were aware of the association of hearing loss and mumps this possibility was tested, and her complement fixation antibody for mumps rose from 1/20 to 1/240 within three weeks, which confirmed recent infection. Routine hearing screening tests done on these three patients before the disease gave normal results. All the other children with mumps who were in hospital were tested and no significant hearing abnormalities were found