1. Partial trisomy 12q associated with a familial translocation;Hemming, L.; Brown, R.;Clin Genet,1979
2. in his mother. J Med Genet 1974;11:299-303.
3. This infant had trisomy of chromosome 15. She showed some of the features previously described in children with partial trisomy 15 including hypotonia, microcephaly with frontal prominence, broad depressed nose, low set ears, and low hairline. Clinodactyly of the fifth digit and syndactyly of the second and third digits were also present. However, she also had cardiovascular and skeletal abnormalities, including a ventricular septal defect, coarctation of the aorta, bilateral talipes, and congenital dislocation of the hips. None of these features has been described in association with partial trisomy 15. On the basis of our findings in this child trisomy 15 does not appear to have particular features which make an immediate clinical diagnosis possible at birth
4. Howard-Peebles PN, Yarbrough K, Stoddard GR. Partial trisomy of chromosome 15. Am J Ment Defic 1977;81:606-9.
5. Inherited partial duplication deficiency of chromosome 15;Coco, R.; Penchaszadeh, Y.B.;J Genet Hum