1. Physiologic studies on the cardiovascular status of normal newborn infants. Effect of adrenaline, noradrenoline, 10% oxygen and 100% oxygen;Adams, F.H.; Lind, J.; Rauramo, L.;Etud. neo-natal,1958
2. Serum calcium and phosphorus in premature and full-term infants;Bruck, E.; Weintraub, D.H.;Amer. J. Dis. Child,1955
3. Time intervals in the electrocardiogram of healthy infants;Coleman, E.N.;Acta pwediat. (Uppsala),1961
4. Electrocardiographic changes in the first week of life;Datey, K.K.; Bharucha, P.E.;Brit. Heart J,1960
5. Further studies on cardiovascular status of normal newborn infants. IV. Effect of adrenaline, acetylcholine, 10% oxygen and 100% oxygen on the electrocardiogram;Dupuis, C.; Dupuis, B.; Adams, F.H.; Lind, J.; Peltonen, T.;J. Pediat,1958