1. ASCHHEIM, S., and ZONDEK, B. (1927), Klin. Wschr., 6, 1322.
2. ASCHHEIM, S., and ZONDEK, B. (1928a), Ibid., 7, 8.
3. ASCHHEIM, S.,.and ZONDEK, B. (1928b), Ibid., 7, 1404, I453.
4. BAYON, H. P. (1939), Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 32, 1527. Continued on page 369.
5. routine cytological screening carried out at the Hammersmith Hospital gave the following results: The total number of patients suffering from malignant disease of the uterus seen in the Gynaecological Department was 64; 30 of these were squamous and 34 columnar-celled malignancies