1. There now seem to be sufficient cases on record to establish that the association between macroglobulinaemia, IL, malabsorption and protein-losing enteropathy is not merely fortuitous, although it is extremely rare. However, the pathogenesis of the intestinal lesions is far from clear and various possibilities merit consideration
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3. The unlabelled antibody enzyme method of immunohistochemistry. Preparation and properties of the soluble antigen-antibody complex (horseradish peroxidase anti-horseradish peroxidase) and its use in identification of spirochetes;Sternberger, L.A.; PHJr, Hardy; Cuculus, J.J.; Meyer, H.G.;J Histochem Cvtochem,1970
4. Committee of the Chronic Leukaemia - Myeloma Task Force National Cancer Institute. Proposed Guide Lines for Protocol Studies III. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia;Cancer Chemotherapy Reports,1973
5. Intestinal localisation of Waldenstrom's disease;Cabrera, A.; de la Pava, S.; Pickren, J.W.;Arch Intern Med,1964