Hanquet Germaine,Krizova Pavla,Valentiner-Branth Palle,Ladhani Shamez N,Nuorti J Pekka,Lepoutre Agnes,Mereckiene Jolita,Knol Mirjam,Winje Brita A,Ciruela Pilar,Ordobas Maria,Guevara Marcela,McDonald Eisin,Morfeldt Eva,Kozakova Jana,Slotved Hans-Christian,Fry Norman K,Rinta-Kokko Hanna,Varon Emmanuelle,Corcoran Mary,van der Ende Arie,Vestrheim Didrik F,Munoz-Almagro Carmen,Latasa Pello,Castilla Jesus,Smith Andrew,Henriques-Normark Birgitta,Whittaker Robert,Pastore Celentano Lucia,Savulescu Camelia
BackgroundPneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs) have the potential to prevent pneumococcal disease through direct and indirect protection. This multicentre European study estimated the indirect effects of 5-year childhood PCV10 and/or PCV13 programmes on invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) in older adults across 13 sites in 10 European countries, to support decision-making on pneumococcal vaccination policies.MethodsFor each site we calculated IPD incidence rate ratios (IRR) in people aged ≥65 years by serotype for each PCV10/13 year (2011–2015) compared with 2009 (pre-PCV10/13). We calculated pooled IRR and 95% CI using random-effects meta-analysis and PCV10/13 effect as (1 − IRR)*100.ResultsAfter five PCV10/13 years, the incidence of IPD caused by all types, PCV7 and additional PCV13 serotypes declined 9% (95% CI −4% to 19%), 77% (95% CI 67% to 84%) and 38% (95% CI 19% to 53%), respectively, while the incidence of non-PCV13 serotypes increased 63% (95% CI 39% to 91%). The incidence of serotypes included in PCV13 and not in PCV10 decreased 37% (95% CI 22% to 50%) in six PCV13 sites and increased by 50% (95% CI −8% to 146%) in the four sites using PCV10 (alone or with PCV13). In 2015, PCV13 serotypes represented 20–29% and 32–53% of IPD cases in PCV13 and PCV10 sites, respectively.ConclusionOverall IPD incidence in older adults decreased moderately after five childhood PCV10/13 years in 13 European sites. Large declines in PCV10/13 serotype IPD, due to the indirect effect of childhood vaccination, were countered by increases in non-PCV13 IPD, but these declines varied according to the childhood vaccine used. Decision-making on pneumococcal vaccination for older adults must consider the indirect effects of childhood PCV programmes. Sustained monitoring of IPD epidemiology is imperative.
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
H2020 Health
Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine