1. Ministry of Defence . The British Army in Africa. Available: https://www.army.mod.uk/ deployments/africa/ [Accessed 24th Apr 2019].
2. Hansard HC . Deb (22 MAR 2000) volume 346 column 564W. Available: https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199900/cmhansrd/vo000322/text/00322w08.htm#00322w08.html_sbhd0 [Accessed 24th Apr 2019].
3. World Health Organization . Kenya: WHOstatistical profile. Available: https://www. who.int/gho/countries/ken.pdf [Accessed 24th Apr 2019].
4. World Health Organization . United Kingdom: WHO statistical profile. Available: https://www.who.int/gho/countries/gbr.pdf [Accessed 24th Apr 2019].
5. Exercise ASKARI SERPENT: enabling clinical data collection during exercises and operations to support future contingency planning and assurance of category-based reporting systems