1. Complications of arteriovenous fistulas for haemodialysis;Haimov, M.; Baez, A.; Neff, M.; Slifkin, R.;Arch Surg,1975
2. The effect of sustained venous hypertension on the skin capillaries of the canine hind limb;Burnand, K.G.; Clemenson, G.; Whimster, I.; Gount, J.; Browse, N.L.;BrJ Surg,1982
3. Pericapillary fibrin in the ulcer-bearing skin of the leg: the cause of lipodermatosclerosis and venous ulceration;Burnand, K.G.; Whimster, I.; Naidoo, A.; Browse, N.L.,1982
4. (Accepted 6_July 1983)
5. In 1936 Houssay described the ameliorating effect of hypophysectomy on hyperglycaemia and ketosis in dogs that had undergone pancreatectomy.1 Many studies on the influence of pituitary function on diabetes and its complications have since been reported.2 We report on a patient with severe retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy in the absence of diabetes mellitus at the time of presentation. Postmortem examination showed infarction of the pituitary gland