1. Practical management of perinatal death;Forrest, G.C.; Claridge, R.S.; Baum, J.D.,1981
2. The loss of a baby;Standish, E.;Lancet,1982
3. Stillbirth Study Group. The loss of youir baby;Health Education Council, National Association for Mental Health, and National,1979
4. Accepted 1 Auguist,1983
5. Clinical curio: Tribolium Macleay (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) infestation in children During November 1980 one of us (BBB) took part in the pathological investigation of several children in Lancaster after a minute black insect had been observed on the scalps of two young girls. The first girl, aged 4 years, had a scab on the scalp which was lifted by the mother, who observed the insect underneath the scab. Consequently, seven associated children were examined, and a further insect was noted in a second girl, aged 6 years. The two girls were playmates and were the only children of the group thus affected, although several (not the girl with the scab) had pediculus eggs (nits)