1. Our patients are almost identical with the children described by Illingworth.1 Each of them had a normal perinatal history, and normal neurological and ophthalmoscopic examinations. Each initially had a roving nystagmus that gradually disappeared with visual improvement. Illingworth mentioned the absence of roving nystagmus as an important Illingworth R S. Delayed visual maturation;Arch Dis Child
2. Dissociation as a guide to developmental assessment;S, Illingworth R.;Arch Dis Child,1958
3. Amaurosis in infants;G, Doyne P.;Practitioner
4. Infantile fundus lesions in relation to mental capacity;H, Doggart J.;Br MedJ,1957
5. The problem of the visually defective infant;Law, F.;Trans Ophthalmol Soc UK