1. Ueber einen sehr seltenen Fall von Insufficienz der Valvular tricuspidalis, bedingt durch eine angeborene hochgradige Missbildung derselben;Ebstein, W.;Archivfur Anatomie, Physiologie undwissenschaftliche Medizin,1866
2. Ebstein's anomaly of the tricuspid valve. Translation of used as the reference marker to indicate the correct original description with comments. Am J Cardiol position of the right valve insertion in the apical four chamber view. This is the most appropriate view to assess the annulus and the apical displacement of the insertion of the leaflets of the right atrioventricular valve and their motion. Additional views permit grading of displacement of the atrioventricular valve as well as a detailed evaluation of the severity and the 1968; 22;Schiebler, G.L.; Gravenstein, J.S.; Van Mierop, L.H.S.
3. The pathologic anatomy of Ebstein's disease;Lev, M.; Liberthson, R.R.; Joseph, R.H.;Arch Pathol,1970
4. Pathologic anatomy of Ebstein's anomaly of the heart revisited;Anderson, K.R.; Lie, J.T.;Am J Cardiol,1978
5. Atrioventricular valve malformations;Becker, A.E.; Anderson, R.H.,1981