1. some reason to suspect that in their case, as in ours, the disease was complicated by a form of Wernicke's encephalopathy. Regarding the other types of lesion observed in this case, there is not much to be said. The third type, so-called granular ependymitis, is a nonspecific change which is seen in a number of disease conditions (Greenfield, 1958), or even in the absence of overt cerebral disease. The fourth type, consisting of patches of spongy degeneration, may also be non-specific; on the other hand, it is mentioned by Erbsloh,1958
2. Casselman, W. G. B., Macrae, A. I., and Simmons, E. H. (1954). J. Path. Bact., 68, 67.
3. Erbsloh, F. (1958). In Handbuch der speziellen pathologischen Anatomie und Histologie, edited by 0.
4. Farnan, P. (1958). J. clin. Path., 11, 382.
5. Girard, P. F., Devic, M., and Garde, A. (1956). Rev. neurol., 94, 493.