1. Free secretory component noted that could not be explained by the error of the and other proteins in human lung lavage. Am Rev immunological techniques. The most striking differences were in the proportion of IgA present in its dimeric form (fig 3). Sputum samples from some patients showed that 11S IgA represented a greater proportion of the total;Merrill, W.W.; Goodenberger, D.; Strober, W.; Matthay, R.A.; Naegel, G.P.; Reynolds, H.Y.;IgA than the corresponding Respir Dis,1980
2. Les s6cr6tions bronchiques: etude tions. The secretory IgA protein profiles were generally similar in all secretions studied, though comparison with albumin tended to increase the between patient variability for the sputum results and albumin therefore may not be a useful standard for this secretion. Some individual differences between biochimique. Aspects physio-pathologues;Lafitte, J.J.; Laine, A.; Hayem, A.; Petitprey, D.; Roussel, P.; Degand, P.;Eur J Respir Dis; Human secretory immunoglobulins