1. Interpretation of the ventricular complex of the electrocardiogram;Wilson, F.N.; Rosenbaum, F.F.; Johnston, F.D.,1947
2. Acute myocardial infarction initial R waves... apparently represent activation of revealed in the presence of right bundle-branch block the free wall of the right ventricle". Two examples of and ventricular extrasystoles;Szilagyi, N.; Ginsburg, M.;Am J Cardiol; 9: right bundle-branch block dependent Q waves were reported by Gambetta and Childers,3 though they interpreted the "rate-dependent right precordial Q waves" as a manifestation of "septal focal block". In one of the patients late reappearance of right bundlebranch block led to readmnission to hospital because a new infarct was simulated. More important than the individual cases which require intermittency of the right 632-8,1962
3. Rate-dependent right precordial Q waves: "septal focal block";Gambetta, M.; Childers, R.W.;Am J Cardiol,1973
4. The excitatory process in the dog's heart. Part II. The ventricles;Lewis, T.; Rothschild, M.A.;Philos Trans R Soc Lond
5. Total excitation of the isolated bundle-branch block to be unveiled is the fact that human heart;Durrer, D.; Van Dam, R.T.; Freud, G.E.; Janse, M.J.; Meijler, F.L.; Arzbaecher, R.C.;Circulation,1970