Role of nutrition in human performance in military populations


Scott Jonathan MORCID,Deuster P A


The role of nutrition and performance is well established. Service members’ physical and cognitive performance, sleep and mood are impacted by nutritional choices. Although many eating patterns have emerged, consensus among experts recommend a dietary pattern focused on predominantly whole plant-based foods. Adequate intakes of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts and seeds should be prioritised. Implementation of strategic and intentional fuelling strategies around times of activity maintain adequate energy stores, enhance recovery and protect against training injuries. Carbohydrates are prioritised before, during and after activity or a mission, although the type and amount will vary based on duration and intensity of activity. Protein is generally the focus after activity or a mission and may be included before activity depending on individual tolerance. There are no specific recommendations for fat consumption before, during and after exercise that will improve performance. That said, Service members generally tolerate low-fat meals/snacks prior to exercise, limit fat intake during exercise, may include fat as part of the post exercise meal/snack, and generally consume most fat during the maintenance and growth phase. Careful consideration and planning for food and fluid requirements should be made when Service members are exposed to heat, cold and/or altitude. Operational rations are formulated to meet the nutritional needs of all Service members across a variety of diverse climates, environments and altitudes. Service members may use dietary supplements to improve their performance and need to be aware of available resources to help them make informed decisions.




General Medicine

Reference30 articles.

1. United States Department of Agriculture and United States Department of Health and Human Services . Dietary guidelines for Americans, 2020–2025. Washington, DC, 2020. Available:

2. Ivy J , Portman R . Nutrient timing: the future of sports nutrition. Laguna Beach: Basic Health Publications, Inc, 2004.

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4. Postexercise protein supplementation improves health and muscle soreness during basic military training in marine recruits

5. Nutrition and Athletic Performance







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