1. RCP adopts neutral stance on assisted dying after poll of members
2. Why the Assisted Dying Bill should become law in England and Wales
3. Campaign for Dignity in Dying. One Brit travels to Switzerland for an assisted death every week, new figures reveal. Jan 2020. https://www.dignityindying.org.uk/news/one-brit-travels-to-switzerland-for-an-assisted-death-every-week-new-figures-reveal.
4. Campaign for Dignity in Dying. A hidden problem: suicide by terminally ill people. Oct 2014. https://cdn.dignityindying.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/Research_FOI_Suicides.pdf.
5. Dignity in Dying survey. Populus. https://www.populus.co.uk/poll/dignity-in-dying-2.