Time and time again: the reincarnations of coerced sterilisation


Fofana Mariam OORCID


The recently reported cases of coerced sterilisation of women at a privately operated immigration detention facility in the USA are egregious in their disregard for human dignity and professional ethics, but sadly not surprising. These abuses represent a continuation of efforts to control the reproductive capacity of women, fueled by racist and xenophobic motives. Physicians helped create and legitimise the pseudoscientific framework for the eugenics movement, which would implement forceful sterilisation as its tool of choice to eliminate undesirable traits that were thought to be biologically inherited and predominant among racial and ethnic minorities. Although state-endorsed forcible sterilisation programs have ended, incarcerated women have remained particularly vulnerable to sterilisation abuse. The intersectional vulnerabilities of racism, xenophobia and carcerality must be addressed to prevent such abuses from recurring.




Health Policy,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous),Issues, ethics and legal aspects,Health (social science)

Reference25 articles.

1. Olivares J , Washington J . “He just empties you all out”: whistleblower reports high number of hysterectomies at ICE detention facility. The Intercept, 2020. Available: https://theintercept.com/‌‌‌2020/09/15/hysterectomies-ice-irwin-whistleblower/ [Accessed 19 Sep 2020].

2. Edwards V . US agrees to pause the deportation of dozens of women who alleged they were abused by a gynecologist while in ice custody in Georgia. The Daily Mail, 2020. Available: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8983205/US-pauses-deportation-women-abused-gynecologist-ICE-custody.html [Accessed 21 Dec 2020].

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