1. Safeguarding Health in Conflict, Johns Hopkins Center for Public Health and Human Rights, University of Essex. The Criminalization of Healthcare, 2018. https://www1.essex.ac.uk/hrc/documents/54198-criminalization-of-healthcare-web.pdf. (accessed 3 Jul 2018).
2. United Nations Security Council. Res 2286, 3 May 2016. UN Doc S/RES/2286. http://unscr.com/en/resolutions/2286 (accessed 3 Jul 2018).
3. United Nations Security Council. ‘Recommendations of the Secretary-General, submitted pursuant to paragraph 13 of Security Council Resolution 2286, 2016. http://www.derechos.org/intlaw/doc/ihl1.html. (accessed 3 Jul 2018).
4. Ethics briefing
5. R (on the application of Conway) v The Secretary of State for Justice, 2018. EWCA Civ 1431.