1. Silverman H , Toropin K , Sidner S , et al . Navajo nation surpasses New York State for highest COVID-19 infection rate in the US - CNN. 2020. Available: https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/18/us/navajo-nation-infection-rate-trnd/index.html [Accessed 29 Aug 2022].
2. An interactive web-based dashboard to track COVID-19 in real time
3. COVID-19 Among American Indian and Alaska Native Persons — 23 States, January 31–July 3, 2020
4. Navajo Nation Office of the President and Vice President . Executive order no 001-20. Declaring a state of emergency due to the confirmation of the COVID-19 virus in regional areas surrounding the Navajo nation, closing the Navajo nation government Ofifices, and supporting the closure of all schools and education. 2020. Available: https://ndoh.navajo-nsn.gov/Portals/0/COVID-19/News/NNExecutiveOrderNo001-20.Updated.pdf?ver=CxXC5FtoUxYcaF9gVLPRjw%3D%3D
5. Smith NL . Navajo nation closes its parks, recreation due to Coronavirus concerns. Farmington Daily Times. 2020. Available: https://eu.daily-times.com/story/news/local/navajo-nation/2020/03/14/coronavirus-new-mexico-navajo-nation-closes-parks-recreation-areas/5046749002/