Health and economic cost estimates of short-term total and wildfire PM2.5exposure on work loss: using the consecutive California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) data 2015–2018


Meng Ying-Ying,Yu YuORCID,Garcia-Gonzales Diane,Al-Hamdan Mohammad Z,Marlier Miriam E,Wilkins Joseph L,Ponce Ninez,Jerrett Michael


InstructionTo help determine the health protectiveness of government regulations and policies for air pollutant control for Americans, our study aimed to investigate the health and economic impacts of work loss due to sickness associated with daily all-source and wildfire-specific PM2.5(particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter smaller than 2.5 μm) exposures in California.MethodsWe linked the 2015–2018 California Health Interview Survey respondents’ geocoded home addresses to daily PM2.5estimated by satellites and atmospheric modelling simulations and wildfire-related PM2.5from Community Multiscale Air Quality models. We calculated and applied the coefficient for the association between daily PM2.5exposure and work loss from regression analyses to the Environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program—Community Edition (BenMAP-CE) platform to assess the health and economic impacts of PM2.5exposure on work loss due to sickness.ResultsWe observed that each 1 µg/m3increase in daily total PM2.5exposure will lead to about 1 million days of work loss per year ranging from 1.1 to 1.6 million person-days, and the related economic loss was $310–390 million. Wildfire smoke alone could contribute to 0.7–2.6 million work-loss days with a related economic loss of $129–521 million per year in 2015–2018. Using the function coefficient in the current BenMAP, the excess work-loss days due to sickness was about 250 000 days and the estimated economic loss was about $45–50 million for each 1 µg/m3increase in daily total PM2.5exposure, and wildfire smoke alone would lead to 0.17–0.67 million work-loss days with related economic loss of $31–128 million per year during the same period.ConclusionsBoth conventional and wildfire-specific sources of PM2.5produced substantial work loss and cost in California. Updating the current BenMAP-CE calculations for work-loss days will be essential in quantifying the current health impacts of PM2.5to help inform the policies and regulations to protect public health.


California Air Resources Board

National Aeronautics and Space Administration









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