Discharge from hospitals to postacute care settings is a vulnerable time
for many older adults, when they may be at increased risk for errors
occurring in their care. We developed the Extension for Community Healthcare
Outcomes-Care Transitions (ECHO-CT) programme in an effort to mitigate these
risks through a mulitdisciplinary, educational, case-based teleconference
between hospital and skilled nursing facility providers. The programme was
implemented in both academic and community hospitals. Through weekly
sessions, patients discharged from the hospital were discussed, clinical
concerns addressed, errors in care identified and plans were made for
remediation. A total of 1432 discussions occurred for 1326 patients. The aim
of this study was to identify errors occurring in the postdischarge period
and factors that predict an increased risk of experiencing an error. In 435
discussions, an issue was identified that required further discussion (known
as a transition of care event), and the majority of these were related to
medications. In 14.7% of all discussions, a medical error, defined as ‘any
preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medical care or
patient harm’, was identified. We found that errors were more likely to
occur for patients discharged from surgical services or the emergency
department (as compared with medical services) and were less likely to occur
for patients who were discharged in the morning. This study shows that a
number of errors may be detected in the postdischarge period, and the
ECHO-CT programme provides a mechanism for identifying and mitigating these
events. Furthermore, it suggests that discharging service and time of day
may be associated with risk of error in the discharge period, thereby
suggesting potential areas of focus for future interventions.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
for Healthcare Research and Quality