1. De ease: a case report Mendilaharsu S. Prolonged and monosymptomatic dysphasic status epilepticus. Sir: Akinetic mutism, first described by;E, I.De Pasquet; E, Guadin; A, Bianchi;Neurology,1976
2. A 74 year old woman was admitted to hospital on 5 August. 1985 with dehydration, vertigo and cardiac arrythmia. According to Arterial blood pressure was 100/50 mm Hg, and the pulse rate 80/min
3. The association of Wernicke's encephasure on the retromandibular branch of the The diagnosis of Wernicke's encephalopathy and akinetic mutism has been sugfacial nerve and no defence reaction at all to lopathy in our case is proved by a history of gested by Nielsen,3 though his description this manoeuvre. Body temperature was chronic alcoholism, oculomotor paralysis, lacks detail. His patient, a 70 year old male
4. Letters ing the red nucleus, within the mesenerable attention,' but few case reports of Computed tomography (CT) performed cephalic tegmentum, the left inferior cognitive deficits due to lesions localised to on 6 October 1986 (on the 17th day from colliculus and the mammillary bodies." the basal ganglia have appeared in the literaonset) showed a small low density area in These findings were compatible with ture. We report a case of denial of hemithe head of the left caudate nucleus
5. or to the globus pallidus, and no other ceptive stimulation, forty hours after the A 51 year old right-handed man was abnormalities were seen. Enhancement after start of thiamine therapy their patient was admitted to Kawasaki Seitetsu Chiba Hoscontrast infusion in the region of the left eating by himself and answering simple pital,1986