1. NHS England. Reducing long stays: where best next campaign. https://www.england.nhs.uk/urgent-emergency-care/reducing-length-of-stay/reducing-long-term-stays/.
2. NHS England. New NHS plan to help patients avoid long hospital stays. 19 Aug 2019. https://www.england.nhs.uk/2019/08/new-nhs-plan-to-help-patients-avoid-long-hospital-stays/.
3. What proportion of older adults in hospital are frail?
4. King’s Fund. The number of hospital beds. 5 Sep 2019. https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/projects/nhs-in-a-nutshell/hospital-beds.
5. NHS Benchmarking Network. Managing frailty and delayed transfers of care in the acute setting. 28 Feb 2019. https://www.nhsbenchmarking.nhs.uk/projects/managing-frailty-and-delayed-transfers-of-care-in-the-acute-setting.