1. Ferguson, A., and Murray, D. (1971). Gut, 12,988. 'Otto, H. F. (1973). Current topics in pathology, 57, 81.
2. Weiden, P. L., et al (1972). J. clin. Invest., 51, 1319.
3. Lymph, lymphatics and the lymphomyeloid complex;Yoffey, J.M.; Courtice, F.C.,1970
4. Visick, A. H. (1948). Ann. roy. Coll. Surg. Engl., 3, 266.
5. patients who were allocated to receive rifamide, gentamicin, or no antibiotic. Infective complications were recorded by an independent observer. Adequate antibiotic levels were assumed if the obstruction were seen in 83 % of the patients and in a further 13 % the biopsy showed cholestasis. The initial biopsy report was misleading in only six patients. The histological findings were particularly valuable in 17 patients in whom previous drug ingestion or the clinical history made and (c) an overall grading according to concentration was twice the minimum a diagnosis of biliary obstruction less the classification of Visick,1948