1. Renal acidification and concentrating capacity are defective and the sensation of thirst is appropriate to induced changes in plasma osmolality and volume. Primary polydipsia, however, is a disorder of thirst in which an urge to drink persists in the absence of known physiological thirst stimuli.3 It is usually seen in association with cerebral damage4 and rarely in hypercalcaemia,' severe potassium depletion5 and hyper-reninaemia.46' It has also been reported in thyrotoxicosis8 and in hypothalamic - pituitary sarcoidosis with normal ADH function.9 Psychogenic
2. Hyperglobulinaemic renal tubular acidosis: a report of nine cases;Mason, A.M.S.; Golding, P.L.;Br Med J,1970
3. Hyperglobulinemic renal tubular acidosis;McCurdy, D.K.; Cornwell, G.G.; DePratti, V.J.;Ann Intern Med,1967
4. Andersson B, Rundgren M. Thirst and its disorders. Ann Rev Med 1982; 33: 231-9.
5. The physiology of thirst and sodium appetite;Fitzsimons, J.T.;Monogr Physiol Soc 1979