1. Kosunen 2. 'National Public Health;Tillenburg, B.,1995
2. The present data indicate a possible although statistically nonsignificant association between the risk of myocardial infarction and;Conclusion
3. Heinonen l.';M. Harkonen I, O. P. Jorvi Hospital, Espoo; 3 National Public Health Institute, Helsinki,;Virtamo; Finland Active chronic gastritis, known to be caused by helicobacter infection, is followed by atrophic gastritis after a mean of 20 years. Low serum pepsinogen I (PG I) level indicates atrophy in the body of stomach. Our purpose was to study the rate of the association of helicobacter infection with the development of atrophic gastritis,2
4. Finland Our purpose was to study the association of H. pylori infection with common disease states in randomized age cohorts of elderly subjects of the Helsinki Ageing Study;Strandberg, T.E.; Tilvis, R.S.; Vuoristo, M.; of Helsinki, T.U.Kosunen University; Helsinki
5. Helsinki Ageing Study is a comprehensive health examination of age cohorts of 75, 80 and 85 years. In 1989-90 456 females and 168 males were examined in general health care using questionaires for symptoms, general diseases (like diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases), use of drugs, interviews, physician's examination and selected laboratory investigations. 624 subjects were studied for helicobacter IgG, IgA and IgM antibodies. 69 subjects were endoscopied for epigastric symptoms;Methods