1. Department of Health and Social Care. Government reintroduces confirmatory PCR testing for assisted testing. 29 March 2021. www.gov.uk/government/news/government-reintroduces-confirmatory-pcr-testing.
2. What do we know about lateral flow tests and mass testing in schools?
3. Carr J. Another testing u turn: school tests will need PCR confirmation. Schools Week. 30 March 2021. https://schoolsweek.co.uk/another-testing-u-turn-school-tests-will-need-pcr-confirmation-from-next-term.
4. Covid-19: Lateral flow tests are better at identifying people with symptoms, finds Cochrane review
5. NHS Primary Care Bulletin. 9 March 2021. http://createsend.com/t/d-D3CF5183C86617262540EF23F30FEDED.