1. Lowering the age limit of access to the identity of the gamete donor by donor offspring: the argument against
2. Bolt S , Indekeu A , Maas J , et al . Zorgvuldigheid in de omgang met leeftijdsgrenzen in de Wet donorgegevens kunstmatige bevruchting (‘Carefully handling of age limits for donor information in artificial conception’). University of Humanistic Studies & ZonMw, Leeftijdsgrenzen (uvh.nl); see also the Dutch government’s site: Kamerbrief over onderzoeksrapport “Zorgvuldigheid in de omgang met leeftijdsgrenzen in de Wet donorgegevens kunstmatige bevruchting” | Kamerstuk | Rijksoverheid.nl, 2023.
3. Legal age limits in accessing donor information: experiences of donor-conceived people, parents, sperm donors and counsellors;Bolt;Reprod Biomed Online,2024
4. Indekeu A , Woestenburg NOM , Maas A , et al . Enable families to develop a suited, relational story. Advice on legal age limits on accessing (non-)identifying information of the donor for donor-conceived people in the Netherlands. Reprod Health [forthcoming] 2024.
5. van Nistelrooij I , Woestenburg NOM . Enabling relational autonomy: a care-ethical argument for the question of age limits on accessing information on gamete and embryo donors by donor-conceived people. Med Humanit [submitted] 2024.