1. New primary care network contract won’t work, GPs warn
2. BMA calls for special conference after rejecting GP contract over unrealistic demands
3. Nottinghamshire Local Medical Committee. Letter to all Notts LMC GP practices. Jan 2020. https://www.nottinghamshirelmc.co.uk/admin/resources/follow-up-to-lmc-position-statement-on-draft-pcn-service-specs-2020-3.pdf.
4. Cambridgeshire Local Medical Committee. Cambs LMC consensus statement regarding the PCN DES draft service specifications 2020-21. Jan 2020. www.cambslmc.org/websitefiles/download/9555.
5. Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, & Oxfordshire Local Medical Committees. LMC analysis of the draft PCN DES specifications and advice to practices. Jan 2020. https://www.bbolmc.co.uk/lmcanalysisofthedraftpcndesspecificationsadvicetopractices.