1. Cerebrospinal fluid choline in extrapyramidal disorders. Jouirnal of Neuirology, Neutrosuirgery, these findings suggest, as did the finding of and;Aquilonius, S.-M.; Nystrom, B.; Schuberth, J.; Sundwall, A.;Ps'i'chiatri,1972
2. Aquilonius, S.-M., Schuberth, J., and Sundwall, A. (1970).
3. Cholinergic and brain surrounding the ventricles. The biodopaminergic mechanisms in Huntington's chorea. Life chemical source within the brain, however, does not necessarily have to be ACh; it might be plasma Ch, brain phospholipids such as phosphatidyl choline, or some other unknown source. Regardless of the chemical or anatomical;S.-M., Aquilonius; Sjostrom, R.,1971
4. Cerebrospinal fluid clearance of choline and some other amines;Aquilonius, S.-M.; Windbladh, B.,1972
5. Zur biochemie des Parkinsonsyndroms des menschen;Klinlische Wochenschrift,1963