1. (1883-1892). Quoted by Duke-Elder;Ciocco, A.;Hith Rep; Diseases of Children's Eyes,1938
2. The Practice of Refraction;Kimpton, London D.U.K.E.-E.L.D.E.R.; S.,1943
3. Text-book of Ophthalmology;Kimpton, London D.U.K.E.-E.L.D.E.R.; S.;GENERAL REGISTER OFHCE; Census, 1951. England and Wales County Report,1949
4. HARMAN, N. BISHOP (1919). Trans. ophthal. Soc. U.K., 39, 78.
5. MiNIsTRY OF EDUCATION (1949). " The Health of the School Child ", Report of the Chief Medical;MARTIN, P.;J. med. Women's Fed; Report of the Chief Medical Officer; The Health of the School Child,1948