1. quoted in the text of the next section under "Histological Findings in the Retina." We have been unable to procure the paper of the Russian, Eleonskaja. The literature shows two peaks of interest. On the Continent there was an outbreak of acute poisoning in 1911 in Berlin. In America during the years of prohibition there was a great increase in. the number of addicts' to denatured, or " dehorn " alcohol
2. America the' first reports of poisoning appear as early as 1879. By the end of the century there were many reports of blindness from this cause as the spirit, 'which had been treated to remove;In
3. 1943), we have studied these changes in the retinal ganglion cells in different decades of life. We found these fatty changes in the ganglion cells of the aged but they were very obvious even in the middle-aged. Only the retina of youth is free of them. This corresponds with the findings of Obermeyer, quoted secundum Spielmeyer. In many papers on brain histology this author found that senile ganglion cells, especially in the aniteror horn, and Clark's columns, contained fatty corpuscles regularly increasing in incidence as age advanced. In the brain, howwever, these lipoid droplets are recognisable from the early age of eight years, until in extreme age the cells are filled with droplets. In' our paper we prove that the condition in the retina is analogous;of Ophthal, Ji
4. there was a central scotoma in both eyes, worse in the left eye. Vision was, right eye-hand movements; and' left 'eye-perception of light. On;28, Qn April,1942
5. OL POI6ONI4G scotina was complOte for 10mm. white spots. Vision, right eyehand movements, and left eye-fingers at 2 feet. On;METHYL, A.L.C.O.,1942