1. Magnetic resonance imaging in monitoring the treatment of multiple sclerosis: Concerted Action Guidelines;Miller, D.H.; Barkhof, F.; Berry, I.;J7 Neurol,1991
2. Magnetic resonance imaging in monitoring the treatment of multiple sclerosis: Concerted Action Guidelines;Miller, D.H.; Barkhof, F.; Berry, I.;I Neurol,1991
3. Serial gadolinium imaging in enhanced magnetic resonance multiple sclerosis. Brain 1988; We welcome the paper by Smith et al' which attempts to address the question of effectiveness of resective surgery in intrinsic brain tumours presenting with epilepsy as the first symptom. We agree that it is important to consider the timing of surgery in this group of patients, but definitions of "early" and "late" in this context have not yet been agreed. There are, however, a number of methodological problems posed in this paper, which we think do not allow the correct comparisons to be made;Miller, D.H.; Rudge, P.; Johnson, G.