1. 1989 converting enzyme inhibitors to cause cough: the development of cough and the change in the sensitivity of the cough reflex in the three patients occurred with both enalapril and ramipril. Further studies on the sensitivity of the cough reflex in patients taking different angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors are required. Pharmacokinetic factors and access of the drugs to tissue sites may be important in the development of cough, but, as shown here, the plasma angiotensin converting enzyme activity is not related to blood pressure or the occurrence of cough. In some patients a reduction in the dose of the inhibitor may alleviate the cough (personal observation), but there is no direct evidence ofdose dependence of the symptom;J.U.L.Y.
2. Treatment of patients with symptomless left ventricular dysfunction after myocardial infarction;Sharpe, N.; Murphy, J.; Smith, H.; Hannan, S.;Lancet,1988
3. Cough associated with the use of captopril;Sesoko, S.; Kaneko, Y.;Arch Intern Med,1985
4. Israel-Biet D, Delaisements C, Chretien J. Enalapril-induced cough. Lancet 1986;ii:918.
5. Cough and wheeze caused by inhibitors of angiotensinconverting enzyme;Semple, P.F.; Herd, G.W.;N EnglJ7 Med,1986