1. Reminiscences of a workhouse medical officer. London: Fisher Unwin, 1889: xii-xxv; 1-5; 7-18; 21-3; 29-36; 39-44; 47-56; 60; 63; 66-82; 88-91;Rogers, J.E.T.,93-103; 1 11-201; 21
2. Everitt 'r. 7estimonialforlJoseph Rogers,1840
3. Diactionarv of nationtal biographk. Vol 49;Lee, S.
4. HMfCensus Returns 1841-81, aryslhoneb Disirici. (Entrv for Dean Street. Marylebone Public Library.) 6 [? Hart E.] Obituary of Joseph Rogers, MD;Office, General Register;Latncet,1889
5. T'zvo centuries of'Soho;Cardwell, J.H.; Freeman, H.B.; Wilton, G.C.