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2. Fibrinogen breakdown products: identification and assay in serum and urine;Rayner, H.; Paraskevas, F.; Israels, L.G.; Israels, D.E.;Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine,1969
3. Radioimmunoassay of fibrinogen and its proteolysis products;Catt, K.J.; Hirsh, J.; Castelan, D.J.; Niall, H.D.; Tregear, G.W.;Thrombosis et Diathesis Haemorrhagica,1968
4. Readers interested in phenylketonuria may be surprised to see Komrower's statement in this journal;Sir
5. suggest that a serum phenylalanine level below 12 mg./l00 ml. is satisfactory for intellectual growth;5) my co-authors and