Disability, sexual and reproductive health: a scoping review of healthcare professionals’ views on their confidence and competence in care provision


Craig Lucy EmmaORCID,Chen Zhong EricORCID,Barrie Joanne


BackgroundThe sexual and reproductive needs of people with disabilities are often unmet. Healthcare professionals play an important role in meeting these needs.ObjectiveTo explore the views of healthcare professionals on their confidence and competence in providing sexual and reproductive healthcare to people with disabilities.MethodologyTwo databases were searched yielding 14 studies included in the review. Studies detailing healthcare professionals’ experiences working in the subject area were included alongside results and evaluations of staff training/workshops within the area. Search results were screened for eligibility by the first and second authors and any discrepancies were resolved by the third author. All subsequent stages were carried out by the first author and reviewed by the second and third authors.ResultsThe study's findings indicate that there is a lack of training, guidelines, patient contact, time, teamwork and collaboration between staff, and a lack of awareness/access to resources within this area. Evaluations of training programmes/workshops showed an increase in knowledge, comfort and skills surrounding the subject. Continuous training would be beneficial to ensure these are maintained at a high level.ConclusionsOverall healthcare professionals felt they lack confidence and competence in providing sexual and reproductive healthcare to people with disabilities. Further research in this area is recommended to assess this in more depth. Development of guidelines, multidisciplinary training programmes and further resources for both staff and patients are recommended.




Obstetrics and Gynecology,Reproductive Medicine

Reference42 articles.

1. World Health Organization . Disability and health, 2020. Available: https://www.who.int/en/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/disability-and-health [Accessed Feb 2020].

2. Equality Act 2010, c.15. Available: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2010/15/pdfs/ukpga_20100015_en.pdf [Accessed Feb 2020].

3. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) . NICE impact sexual health, 2019. Available: https://www.nice.org.uk/Media/Default/About/what-we-do/Into-practice/measuring-uptake/NICEimpact-sexual-health.pdf [Accessed Feb 2020].

4. World Health Organization (WHO) . Defining sexual health: report of a technical consultation on sexual health 28-31 January 2002., 2006. Available: https://www.who.int/reproductivehealth/publications/sexual_health/defining_sexual_health.pdf [Accessed Feb 2020].

5. United Nation General Assembly . Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: resolution/adopted by the General Assembly, 24 January 2007, A/RES/61/106, 2007. Available: https://www.refworld.org/pdfid/57c977344.pdf [Accessed Mar 2020].

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