1. Post-traumatic 10 years, cause of status epilepticus unknown I)uration of status epilepticus and total dose of drugs given before barbiturate anaesthesia Duration 84 hours. Diazepam 420 mg, phenytoin 1750 mg, clonazepam 14 mg, paraldehyde 20 ml, chlormethiazole 2,000 mg, lidocaine 3000 mg, curarisation with pancuronium Duration 56 hours. Diazepam 210 mg, phenytoin 1000 mg, clonazepam 6 mg, paraldehyde 24 ml, chlormethiazole 4000 mg, curarisation Duration 48 hours. Diazepam 210 mg, phenytoin 1550 mg, clonazepam 5 mg Duration 48 hours. Diazepam 180 mg, phenytoin 1250 mg, clonazepam 6 mg Duration 50 hours. Diazepam 100 mg, phenytoin 1150 mg, paraldehyde 18 ml, clonazepam 5 mg, chlormethiazole 4000 mg, lorazepam 2 mg IV;M.
2. Drug therapy of status epilepticus;Browne, T.R.;J Maine Med Ass,1978
3. Status epilepticus treated by intravenous infusions of thiopentone sodium;Brown, A.S.; Horton, J.M.;Br MedJ,1967
4. Therapeutic problems related to tonic status epilepticus;Bladin, P.F.; Vajda, F.J.; Symington, G.R.;Clin Exp Neurol,1977
5. Monitoring cerebral function. Long-term recordings of cerebral electrical activity;Prior, P.,1979