1. Chronic or recurrent abdominal pain;further reading BROWN; BUTLER, J.A.; COLLES, C.M.; DYSON, S.J.; KOLD, S.E.; POULOS, P.W.,1989
2. Internal abdominal abscesses in the horse: a study of 25 cases;RUMBAUGH, G.E.; SMITH, B.P.; CARLSON, G.P.;Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association; Surgery for acute abdominal disease. In The Equine Acute; Use of ultrasound in horses for diagnosis of left dorsal displacement of the large colon and monitoring its non surgical correction,1978
3. Small Animal Practice,1993
4. Poultry Practice ( 1993)
5. Updated compilations from In Practice Published in association with Bailliere Tindall Cash with order to: TGS Subscriber Services, 6 Bourne Enterprise Centre, Wrotham Road, Borough Green, Kent TN15 8DG Telephone 01732 884023, Fax 01732 884034