1. LORGUE, G., LECHENET, J. & RIVIERE, A. (1996) Veterinary Toxicology. Ed M. J. Chapman. Oxford, Blackwells TIDWELL, R. H., BEAL, J. L., PATEL, D. G., TYE, A. & PATIL, P. N. (1970) A study of the cyanogenetic content and toxicity of the fruit of selected species of Cotoneaster. Economic Botany 24, 47-50
2. Further reading Articles;167 BRACKEN, In Practice BRASSICAS, In Practice ERGOT, In Practice 17, July/August 317 LABURNUM, In Practice 15, 66 MYCOTOXINS, In Practice 15, RAGWORT, In Practice 112 RHODODENDRON, In Practice 13, 232 WATER DROPWORT, In Practice 14, YEW, In Practice 14,,1991
3. InPractice * NOVEMBER/DECEMBER,1998