1. MAYFIELD, L. H., and WAUGH, J. M. (1949), Ann. Surg., x29, I98.
2. MAYFIELD, L. H., and WAUGH, J. M. (1949), Ibid., 130, i86.
3. WALKER, R. M. (1945), Brit. J. Surg., 32, 457.
4. This involvement is first manifested by a pleocytosis and increased protein content of the spinal fluid in the secondary stage of the disease as demonstrated by the pioneer work of Ravaut,1903
5. Late syphilis (after fourth year of infection): (a) Asymptomatic neurosyphilis. (b) Meningeal syphilis of brain or spinal cord (often termed meningo-vascular as there is also involvement of smaller vessels). (c) Vascular syphilis of brain or spinal cord (involvement of medium-sized vessels);(d) Parenchymatous: (i) General paresis; Tabes dorsalis. (iii) Optic atrophy,(ii)