1. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. The neurosome of the vacuoles have not been previously described, but Figs 12 and 13 of Lampert's work do, in fact, show vacuoles limited by a double pathology of a transmission experiment;Beck, E.; Daniel, P.M.; Matthews, W.B.; Stevens, D.L.; Alpers, M.P.; Asher, D.M.; Gajdusek, D.C.; Gibbs, Jr, C.J.;Brain,1969
2. Status spongiosus in Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease. Electron microscopic study of a membrane inside glial cells. In our cases the double membrane vacuoles are also seen in cortical biopsy;Bignami, A.; Forno, L.S.;Brain,1970
3. Bots, G. Th. A. M., Man, J. C. H. de, and Verjaal, A. (1971).
4. Jakob-Creutzfeld disease: treatment by amantadine;Braham, J.;British Medical Journal,1971
5. The distribution of labeled norepinephrine within sympathetic nerve terminals studied with electron microscope autoradiography;Budd, G.C.; Salpeter, M.M.;Journal of Cellular Biology,1969