1. MAGNUS, J.-Trans. Obhthal. Soc. U.K., Vol. LXII, p. 318, 1942; Brit. Ji.
2. Ofhthal., Vol. XXVIII, p. 241, Mav, 1944. PAYNE, B. F (New York). -Amer. Ji. Ophthal., Vol. XXVI, p. 390.
3. STALLARD, H. B.-Abstract on the above, Brit. Ji. Ophthal, Vol. XXVII, p. 564, No. 12, December, 1943.
4. THE scope of penicillin in the treatment of diseases of the eye has been widely discussed in recent papers by Milner (1944), Robson (1944), Florey and Florey (1943) in this country, and von Salmann (1943, 1944) and others in America. It is our purpose here to record our experiences in its use which has been largely directed towards ascertaining its value in self administration by patients
5. Received for publication, July 3, 1945.